Monday, May 10, 2010

A little update

So I know that it has been FOREVER since we posted anything, but we have been busy! First, Isabelle has decided in the past couple weeks to take up walking. She is walking like crazy and getting close to running...her cute little rear kinda sways from side to side when she's so adorable.
She is starting to understand questions, too. I will ask her, "Do you want to play with Ellie and Gabbie and see baby Maggie?" She perks her head up and raises her eyebrows and replies in a high pitched voice, "ya!" It's so hilarious. She brought me the DVD case of baby einstein and said "ya!? ya!? ya!?" with her eyebrows raised, of course. It's just crazy how much she is starting to understand. Which brings me to my next subject. Discipline.
It's too early for spankings, dirty looks from me only make her laugh, and time outs are only applicable at home. So what's a parent to do? At the store she wants to walk sooo bad that snacks and drinks don't work to keep her in the cart. I usually end up holding her hand and walking with the cart in the other the entire grocery trip...which takes forever like that. And everyone always thinks it's SO adorable, but I'm like "come on, seriously can get attention other ways!" Needless to say, I have cut down on store trips and therefore saved some money! So any advice about how to make things like that easier would be much appreciated.
So, Johnathan has just finished his first year of law school. I got him a cigar (just for fun) because he jokes about having a lavish office with burgundy chairs and an expensive desk. I could see him propping his legs up, smoking his cigar, and wearing an expensive suite. hehe. He has expensive tastes. Too bad we can't support such a lavish lifestyle. :) But I am very proud of him. He does such a good job being diligent to study while still taking care of us. He did make the Dean's Honor Roll the first semester. Of course!
I am still working saturday and sunday at the hospital. I am also continuing monthly classes for my CMSRN, which is Certified Medical Surgical registered nurse. Basically, it's a national certification for continued education in med/surg. I'll sit for boards sometime around Jan or Feb. I can make more money and it's good for my resume. Not to mention I'm learning so much more with the classes. I kinda like the break from being stay-at-home mommy with working, but I miss the Lord's table meeting a lot. And the time together with Johnathan. There is certainly something special about Lord's Day morning, it is a privilege to be there. I have really learned that! But at least it won't be forever that I work weekends.
Well, I need to clean the house while Belle is napping. So there's a little word from us and how we are doing. Oh, and no our house STILL hasn't sold. We are keeping it up for sale until the first of August, then we will take it off the market and take it as from the Lord that He really does want us here. :) And that's okay with us! I'll put some pictures up of Belle soon.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Belle's 1st Birthday!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Feeding Herself

Learning how to wield a spoon!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Addicted to Movies "Duck"

Keep in mind that this is only the title sequence.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Selling our house

So we are obviously selling our house in order to lower our monthly costs and to balance out Johnathan and me working and family time. So these are the pictures I took because I wasn't thrilled with the ones the realtor took. Unfortunately by the time I was able to take these pictures the sun was going down so I couldn't use natural light so it makes our walls look pink, but at least our dirty washclothes are not in the pictures. Any constructive criticism to help lure a buyer?

Monday, November 9, 2009

The Tree of Life

Here's a paragraph I enjoyed in our reading with Elton in "The Tree of Life."
"God presented Himself to man in the form of food. This can be clearly seen in the Gospel of John. John tells us that in the beginning was the Word, the Word was God, and in Him was life. One day He performed a miracle by feeding five thousand people with five barley loaves and two fishes. Then the people wanted to make Him a king. But He did not take that offer. He later told them that He came not to be a king to rule others outwardly but to be the bread of life to be eaten. He came that we may eat Him. The Lord does not want us to consider how to serve Him, how to worship Him, or how to glorify Him, but He wants us to consider Him as our food. He came to present Himself to us as life in the form of food. We have to take Him as food by feeding on Him and eating Him. "He who eats Me shall also life because of Me" (John 6:57)."
"God's intention is that man would simply take God Himself as his food, that man would feed on God."

Tuesday, November 3, 2009